A father and daughter washing dishes in the kitchen.

Build a pipeline of work without paying for leads.

Starling helps independent home service pros connect with local homeowners, without paying for marketplace leads.

How it works

Build your business profile

Show potential clients what you can do. Feature your top services and showcase past projects.

Share your profile link

Share your profile link to invite homeowners to set up their home's maintenance checklist.

View your clients' checklists

Open your dashboard to view upcoming tasks across all of your clients' homes.

Build your business profile

Show potential clients what you can do. Feature your top services and showcase past projects.

Share your profile link

Share your profile link to invite homeowners to set up their home's maintenance checklist.

View your clients' checklists

Open your dashboard to view upcoming tasks across all of your clients' homes.

Build your business profile

Create your service pro business profile to find jobs near you.

Show potential clients what you can do. Feature your top services and showcase past projects.

Share your profile link

Build a pipeline of homeowner leads by sharing your profile link to help homeonwers set up a home maintenance checklist.

Share your profile link to invite homeowners to set up their home's maintenance checklist.

View your clients' checklists

Keep track of all of your home maintenance tasks in your dashboard.

Open your dashboard to view upcoming tasks across all of your clients' homes.

Build your business profile

Show potential clients what you can do. Feature your top services and showcase past projects.

Share your profile link

Share your profile link to invite homeowners to set up their home's maintenance checklist.

View your clients' checklists

Open your dashboard to view upcoming tasks across all of your clients' homes.

Create your service pro business profile to find jobs near you.

Build lasting client relationships

Shared task list

As a member of a home’s care team, you can track that home’s upcoming tasks.

Shared task list

As a member of a home’s care team, you can track that home’s upcoming tasks.

Shared task list

As a member of a home’s care team, you can track that home’s upcoming tasks.

Schedule repeat visits

Set up repeat service visits to help tackle your client’s routine maintenance tasks.

Schedule repeat visits

Set up repeat service visits to help tackle your client’s routine maintenance tasks.

Schedule repeat visits

Set up repeat service visits to help tackle your client’s routine maintenance tasks.

Build your referrals

Give your clients a referral link to promote you to their friends and neighbors.

Build your referrals

Give your clients a referral link to promote you to their friends and neighbors.

Build your referrals

Give your clients a referral link to promote you to their friends and neighbors.

Task management for home service professionals.
Task management for home service professionals.
Task management for home service professionals.
Task management for home service professionals.
Task management for home service professionals.

Coming soon

We’re building a toolkit for independent service pros

Share a scheduling link to allow homeowners to schedule a visit.


Share a scheduling link to allow homeowners to schedule a visit.


Share a scheduling link to allow homeowners to schedule a visit.


Set up your price sheet to help streamline estimate preparation.


Set up your price sheet to help streamline estimate preparation.


Set up your price sheet to help streamline estimate preparation.


Send off an itemized invoice as soon as you complete the work.

Invoicing & Billing

Send off an itemized invoice as soon as you complete the work.

Invoicing & Billing

Send off an itemized invoice as soon as you complete the work.

Invoicing & Billing

Use AI to automatically respond to and triage projects.

Project Intake Bot

Use AI to automatically respond to and triage projects.

Project Intake Bot

Use AI to automatically respond to and triage projects.

Project Intake Bot

View reports to understand where your business is earning most.


View reports to understand where your business is earning most.


View reports to understand where your business is earning most.


What else?

What would you like to add to your toolkit? Let’s chat!


Get started with task management


Get started for free to see how it works.


(no credit card required)

Up to 3 client properties
Just you

Generate leads with a home onboarding link

Dashboard to track your clients’ tasks


Get started for free to see how it works.


per user per month

Unlimited client properties
Unlimited team members

Generate leads with a home onboarding link

Dashboard to track your clients’ tasks

SEO optimized business profile page


Extend your toolkit as your business grows, and pay only for the tools you use.



Invoicing & Billing

Project Intake Bot



Frequently Asked Questions

Is Starling a marketplace?

Is Starling a marketplace?

Is Starling a marketplace?

Can I join the beta?

Can I join the beta?

Can I join the beta?

How does Starling find leads?

How does Starling find leads?

How does Starling find leads?

Is there a free tier?

Is there a free tier?

Is there a free tier?